For Family & Friends

A message to family and friends of loved ones struggling with addiction.

For Family & Friends

Welwynn appreciates that family members and close associates truly are significant others. We encourage their active participation in specially designed family groups and counseling sessions along with access to all of our holistic amenities. Family group topics include:

Distinguishing between substance abuse and addiction

Relapse warning signs and helpful family responses

Self-care for family members and valuing the entire family’s well-being

Understanding the recovery process and how the family may be helpful

Managing the stress and anxiety experienced with addiction

Learning to communicate about difficult issues

Strategies for supporting long-term care

To help your loved one find their path to recovery, contact the Welwynn team today.


Multi Family Psychoeducation Group

Welwynn's family education group is a support group for spouses, parents, siblings, and other family members, seeking to better cope with stresses created by the symptoms/behaviors of family members who suffer from addiction.
Welwynn's Family Education Group is a comprehensive support initiative designed to assist spouses, parents, siblings, and other family members who are struggling to cope with the stresses and challenges posed by the symptoms and behaviors of loved ones suffering from addiction. Recognizing the profound impact that addiction can have on the entire family, this group provides a safe, empathetic, and supportive environment where family members can come together to share their experiences, gain a deeper understanding of addiction, and develop effective strategies for managing their unique situations.

Welwynn's Family Education Group offers a range of resources and educational materials aimed at empowering family members with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the complexities of addiction. Through regular meetings, participants have the opportunity to learn from experts in the field of addiction and recovery, as well as from each other. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of community and mutual support, helping family members to feel less isolated and more equipped to handle the challenges they face.

In addition to providing emotional support and practical advice, Welwynn's Family Education Group emphasizes the importance of self-care for family members. Understanding that the well-being of the family is crucial to the recovery process, the group encourages participants to prioritize their own mental and physical health. By promoting resilience and fostering a positive outlook, the group aims to improve the overall quality of life for family members, enabling them to support their loved ones more effectively.

Welwynn's Family Education Group is committed to creating a nurturing and educational space where family members can find solace, understanding, and hope. Whether you are a spouse, parent, sibling, or other family member affected by addiction, this group offers a valuable network of support and a wealth of resources to help you navigate this challenging journey. Through education, empowerment, and community, Welwynn's Family Education Group strives to make a meaningful difference in the lives of families touched by addiction.