5 Signs of Marijuana Dependence

Is your loved one struggling with marijuana dependence? Maybe you’re in recovery yourself and would like to know more about the signs of addiction. In this blog post, we’ll explore the red flags to look out for and how to seek help for marijuana dependence.

In the United States, marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs. However, continued cannabis use threatens your physical and mental health. Cannabis dependence entails the brain reducing both its endocannabinoid production and its sensitivity to its neurotransmitters after prolonged exposure to large doses of the drug.

Here are some of the telltale signs.

Strong Cravings

Marijuana cravings are perhaps the most glaring symptom of cannabis use disorder. Though it’s tough to gauge how strong a person’s cravings are, you should be on high alert if you notice someone repeatedly engaging in high-risk behaviors to acquire drugs.

Neglecting Relationships & Responsibilities

When someone’s addicted to marijuana, their drug use takes precedence over other aspects of their life. Addicts often lose enthusiasm for their hobbies and become more reclusive. Studies often link chronic marijuana use to a lack of motivation. Addicts may lack the drive to engage in activities, accomplish goals, or meet their responsibilities.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When a dependent stops or curbs their marijuana use, they may have withdrawal symptoms. For example, some people may experience irritability, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, and mood swings. Marijuana withdrawal symptoms are often mild, peak within the first week after quitting, and may last up to two weeks.

Increased Tolerance

According to the DSM, tolerance happens when a person can not achieve the desired effects or “high” with the same amount of the drug. They now need a higher dosage to achieve these effects. The more weed your body takes in, the more weed it’ll need to stay high.

Disregard for the Consequences

Someone with a weed addiction may realize how drug use affects them physically, mentally, and emotionally. According to research, these consequences include:

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Mental health issues
  • Financial strain
  • Impaired motor skills
  • Educational and occupational challenges
  • Legal trouble

Cannabis use disorder sufferers, however, will continue to use marijuana despite its negative effects on their lives.

Recognizing the signs of marijuana dependence is crucial in identifying and addressing the issue. If you or someone you know exhibits these signs, seeking professional help is recommended. With proper support and treatment, individuals can overcome marijuana dependence and regain control over their lives.

To get the best advice and resources to beat marijuana dependence, you should enlist the help of experienced, licensed professionals. Click here to get in touch with us now.

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