“Coming Out” as a Person in Recovery

Michael Botticelli is a former Director of National Drug Control Policy, as well as a person in recovery from addiction and a gay man.  In this talk, Michael explains the paralells between the way society shamed and neglected gay men suffering with HIV/AIDs in the 1980 to the way society treats people struggling with addiction today.  In both cases, blame for the disease was placed on the person suffering instead of in a broader context of society and biology. Â&nbs...
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Connection as Medicine for Addiction

Studies show that rats placed in empty cages with the choice to drink drug-laced water or normal water will drink the drug-laced water until they kill themselves.  On the other hand, rats placed in cage with plenty of friends, potential mates, and an interesting play environment do not choose the drug-laced water.  This simple experimental finding has profound implications for how we think about and treat addictive disorders.  Like rats, humans are mammals wit...
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It’s wonderful to see people in recovery speaking out about addiction!  Check out this video to hear one man’s perspective and learn about a town hall meeting that ABC11 is hosting this evening (May 17th) at 7:00pm on addiction and the opiod crisis.  You can stream the townhall live here.  Only 11% of people with addictive disorders seek treatment. We encourage you to reach out for support if you of someone you love is suffe...
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Weathering the Ups and Downs of Life Sober

Emotional ups and downs are a normal part of being human.  One of the most moving things for me as an addictions therapist is to be with our clients as they move through the ups and downs of life without the chemical filter of drugs or alcohol.  Clients are not used to tolerating, or “being with†their hard feelings.  In addiction, substances are used to medicate the “downs,&...
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