Fueling Your Mind with Healthy Eating Habits

Managing mental health and the road to recovery from substance abuse is long and winding, but one of the essential tools for success is diet. Eating the right foods can boost energy, mood, and overall health. Consequently, maintaining healthy eating habits can help ensure that the individual maintains their recovery and mental wellness in the long term. Fueling the body properly can help to reduce relapse risk and support physical and mental wellness. Eating nutritious, balanced meals can suppor...
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The Detox Stage: How Does it Affect You?

It takes courage and strength to detox from drugs or alcohol; it is the only way to break the cycle of addiction and reclaim your life. Detoxification is not a one-size-all process, as many variables can be considered. Detoxification, or detox for short, is a process of cleansing the body from abused substances. It is a critical stage for many individuals struggling with addiction, as it is considered the first step in a recovery journey. The detoxification process can be complex, as it involves...
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The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a holistic approach used for centuries to promote physical and mental well-being for individuals struggling with addiction. In recent years, this form of therapy has become increasingly popular as an adjunct treatment for those suffering from substance abuse and addiction. There is now a greater understanding of the benefits of massage therapy, such as reducing stress, aiding in relaxation, and providing a sense of safety and comfort in individuals. Additionally, massage can a...
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Signs of Enabling a Loved one Struggling with Addiction

Though it is often done with love and the best intentions, enabling a loved one struggling with addiction can have long-term consequences. When we enable, often unwittingly, we do not allow the person to be held accountable for their actions, thus making it difficult for them to reach the depths of their condition. Seeking help and understanding when a loved one is struggling with an addiction is vital in helping them recover. We should never be afraid to reach out for help if we feel that our l...
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How to Set Goals this New Year in Recovery

The journey to recovery from addiction can be filled with challenges, but with the right attitude, support, and planning, you can start the year ahead of you with renewed energy and commitment to your goals. Every New Year offers a chance to hit the reset button on our lives and start fresh, and it can be a much-needed opportunity to set new goals to work towards recovery. Setting clear and measurable goals can give you focus and encouragement as you progress toward sobriety. Objectives should b...
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Warning Signs of Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction has been a rising problem for many years, and it is imperative to recognize the warning signs of an addiction before it is too late. Opioid addiction can take many forms, from prescription painkillers to heroin, and is characterized by physical and psychological dependency. The opioid epidemic has been responsible for thousands of deaths globally, making it a severe public health concern. However, with knowledge of the common warning signs, individuals can be proactive in preven...
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How are Family Intervention Services Beneficial?

Family intervention services can be critical for individuals struggling with addiction or mental illnesses. Going through this process provides a safe and effective way for the family and friends to engage and understand the situation while motivating them to seek treatment. Such services can provide an invaluable opportunity for families to show their support for their loved one and work together to identify a recovery plan. Focusing on a family dynamic rather than isolation creates a sense of...
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Welwynn’s Holiday Open House (Dec 15)

About Welwynn Welwynn’s intensive outpatient center is designed specifically for executives, professionals and their families. We are highly discreet and our clinicians are well equipped to assist you on your path to recovery, health and happiness. Professionals suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental illness – executives, lawyers, physicians, dentists, pharmacists and others – have so much at stake when it comes to reaching...
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Biosound Therapy and Its Benefits in Addiction Therapy

Some realms of addiction therapy are still experimental. There’s plenty to be learned about the science behind the disease, and over the years, many supportive treatments have proven effective. One of these treatment methods is Biosound Therapy. Before we go any further, we would like to say that Biosound Therapy should be used as a secondary treatment when treating substance misuse disorder. We encourage you to ask your clinic and medical professionals for their input if you...
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Preparing for the Holidays in Recovery

According to a study published in The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, “Holidays are particularly perilous times for those in treatment for alcohol problems—for obvious reasons. These times mix the internal and external triggers of stress and celebration into a literally intoxicating cocktail.†Often, individuals may feel overwhelmed and unprepared for the festivities and need to prove themselves to family and friends. The season can be a si...
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